North Park

North Park

There is a unique and cool vibe when you tour through the streets, and luxury homeowners.

Welcome to North Park

North Park is the new *it* neighborhood trending in Saskatoon, with modern designs and rooftop decks changing the landscape. Located just north of the Meewasin Riverworks observation area, it offers stunning views of the river and easy access to all amenities.
There is a unique and cool vibe when you tour through the streets, and luxury homeowners are choosing prime lots, close to the river, to build their next modern dwelling. Easy access to downtown and the University makes it popular with young, busy professionals. North Park was a hidden gem for years that is really starting to shine.


Beach vibes.

Best for

Young and trendy.


Hidden Gem

All About

Architecture + Neighborhood Style


All about the rooftop view.

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Work With Angela

Angela is talented in navigating tricky markets, narrowing client decisions, and leading nuanced conversations in heritage homes, high-tech properties, and niche real estate. Get in touch to discover the difference.